The Brian J. Honan Fellowshipat the West End House Boys & Girls Club

Building Commitment to Community

The Process

The Honan Fellowship is an initiative run by the West End House that empowers youth from across Boston to become engaged and influence change in their community, develop leadership skills, and stimulate an interest in public service.   Fellows learn about government and politics, identify neighborhood concerns, complete service projects, and meet with public officials and advocates.  The program includes a paid summer internship in a community agency or government office and ends with a community action project to create change in Boston.

For more information or to apply for the Fellowship, contact Chris Moskal the West End House at 617-787-4044 or

The fellows gain experience in the following fields:


Fellows discuss what it means to be a part of a community and complete a community mapping project. Fellows identify a community issue that is important to them. This issue provides context for future discussions on public service and government.


Federal, state, and local government structures are reviewed. Fellows discuss the city and state budgets, have an understanding of spending priorities and allocations, and travel to City Hall and the State House to meet elected officials.

Public Service

The power to improve the conditions in a community through service are explored. Students prepare for their own public service experiences by researching issues surrounding homelessness, the elderly, affordable housing, and families.